Videos: Surprise phosphate mining discussion at Bradford County, FL BOCC 2017-07-20

The regular attendees said there would be no fireworks this time. Yet it was a very interesting meeting, especially once the County Attorney asked for scheduling a date to select the consulting engineer about the phosphate mine. The Commissioners and staff discussed August 8 in the morning or August 17 in the evening. Public comment preferred the latter. The County Attorney strongly advised they go ahead and decide when so there will be plenty of time to advertise it. The decision: Thursday evening, August 17, 2017.

Below are links to each WWALS video, followed by a video playlist. See also the agenda.

Thanks to the Bradford County Sheriff Department and the Chairman for welcoming me taking these videos. Here is the WWALS video playlist:

You may wonder why they were meeting in such a large room. Immediately before the Board of Adjustment met, and on its agenda was setting the process for determining rezoning or not for a large RV park. The room was full for that.

 -jsq, John S. Quarterman, Suwannee RIVERKEEPER®

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