2014-07-09 WWALS Board Meeting

Board meetings are open to the public.

Draft Agenda
WWALS Board of Directors
Wednesday July 9 2014, After Annual Meeting
IHOP, Adel, GA

Board members are listed in www.wwals.net/board and may vary depending on election in Annual Meeting: Dave Hetzel (President), John S. Quarterman (VP), Gretchen Quarterman (Treasurer), Bret Wagenhorst (Recording Secretary and Outings), Garry Gentry (Membership), Karan A. Rawlins (Events), April Huntley, Al Browning, and Chris Graham.

  1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions
  2. Speaker: No speaker.
  3. Agenda Review
  4. Report of Nominating Committee about officer and committee chair candidates
  5. Election of Officers
  6. Other VPs or Committees
  7. Menu of Opportunities for board members
    Modeled after GRN example, /?attachment_id=1990
    Other WWALS members please also volunteer.
  8. Review and Approval of Minutes
    1. 11 June 2014 Board meeting minutes
  9. Finances
    1. Starting/Ending balance for June –Treasurer
    2. Donation Accounting –Treasurer
    3. National River Network membership –jsq
      Paid: $135.
    4. Insurance: D&O and liability –jsq

      Perhaps there is a better local quote.

      Quote from Beehive with national River Network discount:
         $805 general liability
         $188 accident volunteer
         $550 D&O and Employment Practices liability
         $150 hired/non-owned auto liability
        $1693 subtotal

      Can later add $650 for umbrella insurance for additional $1 million liability.

    5. Annual Budget –Treasurer
      $2500 without staff?
    6. WWALS board voted April 2014 to look into raising money to hire staff. –jsq
      GA River Network is prepared to assist with advice.
      Likely funding needed: $50,000-$80,000 per year.
  10. Grants
    1. Turner Foundation regrants via GA River Network. –CG,jsq
      See /maps/alapaha-water-trail/.
    2. Community Foundation of South Georgia –DH
      See Approved Grantees http://www.cfsga.net/grantees.htm
    3. Woodruff Foundation –KR
    4. Mott –jsq
    5. Others?
  11. Past Meetings and Events
    1. GWC meeting: The Politics of Water: Epic Battles and Endeavors to Protect Georgia’s Water, Mableton, GA, 2014-06-24 –DH
      See /2014/06/17/politics-water-epic-battles-endeavors-protect-georgias-water-gwc/.
    2. Paddle upstream on the Withlacoochee River at GA 133 bridge, 2014-06-28 –CG
    3. Statewide candidates at Lowndes County Democratic Party BBQ 2014-07-02 -jsq
  12. Future Meetings and Events
    1. Peaceful Assembly at Pipeline Trial, Leesburg, GA, July 10th 2014 –jsq
      See /2014/07/05/leesburg-ga-2014-07-10/
    2. Alapaha River upstream and back paddle, put in at Gaskins Forest Education Center. 2014-07-19 –BW
      Time on water: 2 hr. Tour center before or after paddle. Alternate if water too low: Alapaha River Lake at hwy 319 bridge.
    3. WWALS Board meeting 6 August 2014
      Speaker? Location? Or by telecon?
    4. Georgia Water Coalition, November 2014 -DH
  13. Committee Reports Please send reports to the board list before the meeting if at all possible.
    1. Outings –BW
      Draft outings schedule for next 12 months.
    2. Events –KR
    3. Membership and Recruitment
      CG: $1000 for life membership and Boy Scouts?
    4. Public Relations –jsq jsq and CG posting on blog and FB; AH creating FB events. Send photos to Chris: protectiongeorgiawatershed@gmail.com
      See new web pages:
      Maps /maps/
      Floridan Aquifer /maps/floridan-aquifer/
      Alapaha Water Trail /maps/alapaha-water-trail/
      See also regional cooperation opportunities:
      Suwannee Bioregion Coalition? /2014/06/25/suwannee-bioregion-coalition/
      Our Santa Fe River and Ichetucknee Alliance for water conservation /2014/06/25/santa-fe-river-ichetucknee-alliance-water-conservation/
  14. Review Action Item List: Please send reports to the board list before the meeting.
    1. Business and membership cards –GG Looking into using social media advertising for targeted recruitment.
    2. Correspondence —
      Panther Forum: anything happening? –GQ
    3. Request for information from DNR –jsq Development laws and regulations related to water.
    4. Gretchen filed complaint to DNR about potential violation of water. To post to board. –GQ
    5. Ongoing opposition to Sabal Trail methane pipeline. –jsq
      See July 10th event.
    6. Waycross about the Seven Out Superfund site –jsq
      See Test now to protect our children –Waycross citizens group to GA EPD http://www.l-a-k-e.org/blog/2014/05/test-now-to-protect-our-children-waycross-citizens-group-to-ga-epd.html
      and Seven Out Superfund Assessment Public Meeting 2014-07-17 /2014/06/18/seven-superfund-assessment-public-meeting-2014-07-17/
    7. Distribution of list of sites on EPA/EPD lists for counties in our watershed –jsq.
    8. Flooding study by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). –jsq
      See Videos: Regional water council meeting in Valdosta @ SSRWPC 2014-05-21 http://www.l-a-k-e.org/blog/2014/05/videos-regional-water-council-meeting-in-valdosta-ssrwpc-2014-05-21.html
  15. Other Business
  16. Adjourn

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